Our Services



Experience is what changes minds and hearts, not information alone. Zemo approaches every keynote speech as a unique moment in time, asking “what opportunity or challenge is this particular audience facing, and what, experientially, will help propel them into tackling it?” Drawing from personal and client triumphs and disasters, Zemo crafts each presentation within the context of the larger meeting plan, utilizing exercises and other meeting elements when possible to ensure that participants are not only inspired, but empowered to act.

executive coaching

Everyone leads, and our philosophy towards coaching is that everyone who seeks to improve the impact they have on others by growing their skills and internal attitudes can benefit from coaching.  So we have coached everyone from groundskeepers and rig hands up through Fortune 50 CEOs, and have decades of experiences to draw on that guide our coaching plans for leaders at different levels, or in different industries.  And we are very proud of our results:  dozens of our past and current clients now sit in positions, with successes and accolades, that they thank us for having helped them earn. 


Training & Seminars

People learn best while having fun, and we pride ourselves on how much fun our participants have had learning over the decades in our seminars, classes, webinars, lunch’n’learns and workshops. Our primary focus is rigorously and consistently on transfer of skills to the actual workplace, but we celebrate every time one of our courses ends with a participant saying “That was the best training/class experience I have ever had.” In fact, we do not feel we have succeeded unless we get at least one comment like that each time. As avid learners ourselves, we can quickly customize around any specific training need you may have, so just ask us! Click here for more details on the top trainings we have offered over the years.

Culture Design

As Peter Drucker famously said, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” But to many, culture is an ambiguous, mystical thing, and for this reason many organizations have avoided taking on a strategic approach to culture. And many organizations have taken on tragically misguided approaches to imposing culture. The intentional design of culture for an organization is part discovery – paying attention to what is already real and alive – and part vision. There is not one magical process for getting there, and there is not one prescription of what “there” needs to look like. But there are basic principles and processes that can be followed to bring an organization into a positive set of goals, behaviors, policies and interactions that optimize its health and performance. And there is nothing that Zemo and his teammates enjoy more than taking on that whole ball of wax.


strategy development & alignment

It all starts with a well-formed and well-articulated strategy, whether we are talking about an entire company, a functional team, or in an individual. Zemo brings to the table a deep talent in strategic thinking and an expertise in facilitating others to follow a best-practice process to establish core purposes and values, from which key objectives and initiatives can be designed. And then begins the real work, of course: lining up team members’ understanding and ongoing behaviors so that the strategy actually lives. This is where our skills really shine: designing and practicing communications and interactions that keep the strategy and goals alive in the hearts and minds of diverse team members across time.

virtual connectedness & remote managing

While remote working has steadily increased as a reality for many, and a challenge for some, the COVID-19 sheltering requirements pushed millions of managers and team members into this new way of working, and the need for establishing best practices has never been higher. Much of what it takes to maintain performance and morale (and sanity!) while working remotely is exactly the same set of principles that make co-located work effective, there are some key differences, and a much higher need for flexibility and creativity. As teammates who have worked remotely for our entire careers, we can help you and your team not only “get by,” but learn to thrive on the challenges and opportunities of remote working.
